Kindergarten | Grabemeyer, Sarah
Welcome to the Bumblebee Room
Phone: 517-339-8208
Degrees and Certifications:
BS Elementary Education Central Michigan University
MA Reading Intervention Grand Canyon University
Hello Kindergarten!
My name is Ms. Grabemeyer. I cannot wait to be your kindergarten teacher in the Bumblebee Room this year! We are going to learn so much from one another. I am so excited! I hope you had an amazing summer; I cannot wait to hear all about it!!
A little bit about me…
I have been teaching since 2010 and kindergarten is by far my favorite grade to teach! :) I went to Central Michigan University for my undergrad (Fire Up Chips!) with a focus on reading and science. I also completed my master's degree at Grand Canyon University with a focus on reading intervention. If you can't tell, I love reading!!
My husband Mike and I have been married since 2010. We have two dogs, Roxy (minidoodle) and Ruby (wheaten terrier), and a Sun conure (parrot) named Alejandro. I have so many fun stories to share about my animals and cannot wait to listen to your stories too!