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Wilkshire Early Childhood Center

Young 5's Program Guidelines

Clip art of 9 elementary students standing side by side

The goal of the Young 5’s Kindergarten program is to provide a year during which a child can learn and grow in a carefully planned kindergarten environment: a framework that allows children to work on their academic, social, emotional, and physical skills at a slower pace. Young 5’s is a child-centered program that gives the youngest general education students the gift of time to be better prepared for educational successes. It is a full day program. A total of 30 students are selected for the program. Haslett residents are given first consideration. Filling out the online kindergarten round up forms and attending a round up session in person will help the staff determine who is eligible and selected for the Young 5’s program. 

Young 5’s is based on…

  • Birthday Date (Turning 5 between September 2 - December1)

  • The development of social and emotional growth that leads to being comfortable speaking and expressing emotions appropriately in a group, with adults and peers.

  • The development of speech and language for communicating their needs, expressing emotions and engaging in learning discussions while practicing listening attentively.

  • The development of Fine Motor Skills where more time and practice will lead to success in writing, drawing, cutting and self care routines.

  • The development of attentive listening with body control while gaining stamina and the ability to focus and work independently.

  • Students who need a smaller classroom setting to gain confidence in social, emotional and academic needs.

Young 5’s is not based on…

  • Students who have attachment issues with parents in the morning if no other factors are present
  • Students who are academically ready but are just “wiggly” and full of energy. A more rigorous curriculum does help with the wiggles.

  • Students who need a half day program. This is a full day kindergarten program.