Arrival and Dismissal
School Instructional Hours 8:26-3:20
Reminder: School day hours 8:26 - 3:20; any student arriving after 8:26 will be marked late (exception; bus riders). We understand there is traffic and trains, but please do your best to plan accordingly to ensure your student will be on time.
Parent Drop off
Supervision and dropoff begins at 8:00 am
Parents should stay in the car, and students should be on the passenger side and unbuckled once the car stops, so staff can easily assist the student out of the car
Supervision at drop-off will end at 8:26 a.m. Front doors are locked at 8:30.
Your student will need to ring the doorbell and check in at the office and will be marked “Late” in Skyward.
Before 8:45, parents do not need to walk the student in to the office to check in but can choose to walk the student to the office.
After 8:45, parents will need to walk student into the office to check-in
Parent Pick up
- Students will be dismissed starting at 3:20.
- Please have your YELLOW iDismiss number in your window
- Pull up to a colored cone along the pickup lane
- Stay in your car
- Student will be directed to your car.
If you need to park for any reason throughout the year, please park in the north lot and enter through the main entrance
- Parking in the bus loop is for MSU preschool ONLY